Foreclosure Statistics

Rules for PR Release

* See Link on Todo.asp about writing a good release
* Use data from below, but only data from December and Later.

Sample data examples that can be used in articles.
* The number of foreclosures in Novemember expienced a slight up-tick of 5.3% compared to the foreclosure numbers in October. This can be due to serveral factors (read recent online news articles to determine why this may be the case. In addition, the number of Texas REO and Foreclosure homes remains the highest this month at 1,209 new foreclosure listings, with a total number of 4,309 currently on the market. Followed closely by Texas is Florida, California, Georgia, and then Alabama. Vermont is currently showing the lowest number of foreclosures. (Read other foreclosure news articles and old foreclosure news artilces and foreclosure stats from other sitesto get more information. Here's an example). Despite foreclosures being up slightly this month, foreclosures are still down by over 75% from their highs in 2011. In other interesting news, firmer lending requirements look to go into place in January of 2014, with lenders requiring borrowers to acuire a mortgage at 40% of Less of their available spending requirements. This is down from 50% Previously. In addition, borrowers will be required to prove 3 years of tax returns versus the 2 years of tax returns that were previously required.
New Foreclosure Listings Per Month By State

Month-->-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-10Total Curr. For Sale
AL0000000000Total Curr: 0
AK0000000000Total Curr: 0
AZ0000000000Total Curr: 0
AR0000000000Total Curr: 0
CA0000000000Total Curr: 0
CO0000000000Total Curr: 0
CT0000000000Total Curr: 0
DE0000000000Total Curr: 0
FL0000000000Total Curr: 0
GA0000000000Total Curr: 0
HI0000000000Total Curr: 0
ID0000000000Total Curr: 0
IL0000000000Total Curr: 0
IN0000000000Total Curr: 0
IA0000000000Total Curr: 0
KS0000000000Total Curr: 0
KY0000000000Total Curr: 0
LA0000000000Total Curr: 0
ME0000000000Total Curr: 0
MD0000000000Total Curr: 0
MA0000000000Total Curr: 0
MI0000000000Total Curr: 0
MN0000000000Total Curr: 0
MS0000000000Total Curr: 0
MO0000000000Total Curr: 0
MT0000000000Total Curr: 0
NE0000000000Total Curr: 0
NV0000000000Total Curr: 0
NH0000000000Total Curr: 0
NJ0000000000Total Curr: 0
NM0000000000Total Curr: 0
NY0000000000Total Curr: 0
NC0000000000Total Curr: 0
ND0000000000Total Curr: 0
OH0000000000Total Curr: 0
OK0000000000Total Curr: 0
OR0000000000Total Curr: 0
PA0000000000Total Curr: 0
RI0000000000Total Curr: 0
SC0000000000Total Curr: 0
SD0000000000Total Curr: 0
TN0000000000Total Curr: 0
TX0000000000Total Curr: 0
UT0000000000Total Curr: 0
VT0000000000Total Curr: 0
VA0000000000Total Curr: 0
WA0000000000Total Curr: 0
WV0000000000Total Curr: 0
WI0000000000Total Curr: 0
WY0000000000Total Curr: 0
DC0000000000Total Curr: 0