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There have been over 20 New County Foreclosures in the past 90 Days! See some of the County foreclosures below!

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* Foreclosures
* Wholesale Deals
* Motivated Sellers
* Bankrupcty Homes
* For Sale By Owners

A Foreclosure occurs when a borrower defaults on their agreement with their lienholder. The lender will then attempt to cover their losses by selling the property. Because of this, the lienholder is only allowed to sell the house to cover their losses and any legal costs. This allows investors to purchase properties below the actual value. Our foreclosure listings actually show a price history unlike other sites, so that you can tell how motivated the selling realtor is to "unload" the property. If the price is dropping rapidly, they are more likely to be motivated to sell. In addition to foreclosures, we provide the largest number of wholesale properties (properties for sale by discount home buyers), motivated seller leads (homes for sale by indivduals that have submitted our online for to sell fast), bankruptcy properties, and for sale by owners.

Sample Listings
There are 300 Foreclosure Listings on sale for October!
Plus, Motivated Sellers, Wholesale Properties, Bankrupcty Leads, and For Sale By Owners!
Case #: 1310-384272
Price History
Current Price $686,900.00
Original Price $0.00
Status Available*

Gig Harbor, WA
Case #: 1008840744
Price History
Current Price $432,900.00
Original Price $0.00
Status Available*

Case #: 473694379
Price History
Current Price $445,900.00
Original Price $0.00
Status Available*

Monee, IL
Case #: 346037201
Price History
Current Price $313,500.00
Original Price Make Offer
Status Available*

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